New Year New Vision

‘Changing the World, One Baby at a Time.’

This phrase is taken from Vimala McClure’s book ‘Infant Massage’ where she also writes:

‘The benefits of infant massage are more far-reaching than may at first be obvious. For infants, massage is much more than a luxurious sensual experience. It is a tool for maintaining the child’s health and well being on many levels and these benefits are for life.’

Baby massage soothes the vagus nerve, part of the parasympathetic nervous system. This nerve runs from the brain stem, through all the major organs in the body to the stomach. Its job is to regulate these organs and the systems they are part of. As your soothing takes effect so the vagus nerve will rebalance the circulatory system, the digestive system and the functioning of the immune system in your baby.

‘One of the greatest gifts you can give to a child is to help them establish good vagal tone.’ states Margot Sunderland in her book ‘What Every Parent Needs to Know’. ‘Research shows that good vagal tone is linked to better emotional balance, clear thinking, improved powers of attention and a more efficient immune system. People with good vagal tone tend to be nice to be around.’

Hence my vision!


Did you know…